User’s Guide

Pod Status

Each pod indicates its status by color and animation:

  • Running and all containers ready: constant green
  • Running and not all containers ready: flashing green
  • Pending or ContainerCreating: flashing yellow
  • ImagePullBackoff or CrashLoopBackoff: flashing red
  • Succeeded (for jobs): blue


Various UI elements provide additional tooltip information when hovering over them with the mouse:

  • Hovering over the title bar of a node box reveals the node’s labels.
  • Hovering over the vertical resource bars will show the node’s capacity, sum of all resource requests and current resource usage.
  • Hovering over a pod will show the pod’s labels, container status and resources.

Filtering Pods

Kubernetes Operational View allows you to quickly find your running application pods.

Typing characters will run the filter, i.e. non-matching pods will be greyed out.

You can filter by:

  • name
  • labels - when query includes =, e.g. env=prod

The pod filter is persisted in the location bar (#q=.. query parameter) which allows to conveniently send the filtered view to other users (e.g. for troubleshooting).

Sorting Pods

Pods can be sorted by different properties:

  • pod name (this is the default)
  • age (start time)
  • memory usage (metric collected from Heapster)
  • CPU usage (metric collected from Heapster)

Sorting by memory or CPU allows finding the most resource hungry pod (per node).

Filtering Clusters

Clicking on a cluster handle (the top bar of the cluster box) will toggle between showing the single cluster alone and all clusters.


The top menu bar allows selecting an UI color theme matching your taste. The theme selection will be saved in the browser’s Local Storage.